Monday: Spent the day running around south London like a loon. A long, long day. That is what happens when you have a day off! Quiet evening as a compensation but all good. Well kind of.
Tuesday: In the office today for a meeting so yet another busy, but productive day. I decided to walk home as the weather was beautiful. I noticed all the spring flowers coming into bloom at the Imperial War Museum. Spring is making her way. Obligatory trip to said new supermarket and back home to make a veggie chilli. No art class. I am out of my league there and need to find one that will teach me, however, goodness knows how much that will cost. This is the disadvantage of living in London. So much to do and such little time oh and money!
Wednesday: Long day today as working until 10.00am. I still find it magical as I am walking to the bus stop with Big Ben looking down on me. Andy's sister Zoe arrived this evening, she is staying for a few days. We had a quick chat then I was so tired. Not the most exciting of days but at least Spring is still on her way.
Thursday: Working from home today, so comfortable clothes and no hair wash. Bliss. Unless anyone wants to Skype with me. Andy and Zoe went out early as Zoe had to complete some errands, hence her trip to London. So exciting times tonight as we all wen to the theatre, our local Southwark Playhouse.

Productive day work wise, all well. Back home Andy and Zoe were tired after throwing themselves around like a couple of idiots. I wanted to go dancing as I had heard the wonderful Marc Almond on Spotify and wanted to go dancing. Talk about youth wasted on the young. We ended up ordering pizza and watching Young Frankenstein on Netflix. I have not seen this film for years and had forgotten how funny it was. It was what I needed, a jolly good laugh. Mel Brookes is a genius. The scene where Dr Frankenstein and the monster are dancing to Putting on the Ritz is one of the funniest things ever. It has been a good couple of days.
As always, with my love x
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