You will all know this one and I bet you sing along. Beautiful, nostalgic song and as always, gorgeous lyrics. As always enjoy.
Saturday: Usual start to the day. Fat club which was hysterical as one of the woman asked any if his 'other half' would like a booklet too. They cannot work out what we are and he said we were not a couple and they just looked. You watch, next week I will be his bloody mother again! We both did well. All is good.
Back home we had our usual huge but healthy brunch and then took some clothes down to the charity shop in Tower Bridge Road. It did not take us long to get there and they had some lovely clothes; especially men's clothes. Andy bagged a bargain. I noticed it and he tried it on and it fitted a treat. It was a Ted Baker jacket and he paid the grand sum of £6 for it, the jammy sod. I do love a bargain.
Just a normal Saturday night, watching a film and eating home made Chinese Prawn Curry. I really am living the high life lol.

We got off at Embankment and walked over the bridge and said our goodbyes as PPLP was meeting his partner at Waterloo. I walked along feeling quite emotional to be honest. OK my life may not have panned out how I had it planned both six years ago and since coming to London. But I am blessed in so many ways. I met some lovely people, done some wonderful things and have made the most of the most terrible time. Life is OK. So let's move on to the next adventure.
As always, with my love x