I adore this song. I think it is one of my favourites. It is the tune, the lyrics an how they kind of resonate with me. You can hear the passion and pain in his voice. Beautiful. As always, enjoy.
Saturday: Up and out and off to fat club. I am not going to mention each week how we are doing; but all is good. Back home and brunch and a cuppa and out on the bus up to Soho. Today was my volunteering afternoon. I do enjoy this. I meet some absolutely wonderful people. This week the guys in the barbers recognised me and I had a bit of banter with them. It was so funny as they were really busy, with people queueing up outside (all me). In I rock spreading my sparkle. I love it.
I got chatting to the lad behind the bar that we work out off. He was from Poland and has been working here all summer but on Wednesday is off to explore the USA. We had such a lovely chat and laugh and he said something that I understood totally. He said that he has been to university by travelling has taught him more. He was the same age as my Megan. I hope she is travelling and learning about the world. However, I suspect she is not and has returned to the default Stokie button.

Sunday: Lazy start then I was on the move. I cooked some food for later on today and in the week, then started on my wardrobe. It was time to sort out all the summer stuff and replace it with winter. My wardrobe is now very black. I also sorted out a load of stuff I will never wear and popped it into a suitcase and will take it down to the charity shop next weekend. Someone else may as well get some use out of it all. Strange day weather wise. Autumn really has arrived and you can feel 'the nip' in the air. I need to be flying south really soon you know.

So the birthday week comes to an end. I had some wonderful news today about someone I know who lost someone very dear a few years ago and on Saturday remarried. The news really made me smile. They deserve to be happy again and I am so pleased for them. Such wonderful news. It got me thinking. You can never have too much love and this proves it. I think I am too damaged to be loved again.
As always, with my love x
Well travel isn't for everyone. I personally feel it has changed my whole perspective on life, but maybe your daughter is more of a home-bird. It's just a pity that home is Stoke. Mind you, if it's good enough for Robbie Williams....
Hello Sarah. I am surprised as she has been to loads of places but who knows what the hell is going on up there, both in her head and bloody Stoke. Actually, RW now lives in LA, his mother has a house outside of Stoke and the last I knew, his dad lived in a flat on top of a launderette. All rock and roll Stoke style. Hugs and stuff xxx
ReplyDeleteA50 is the best route outta town.
ReplyDeleteHello Ian indeed it was x