Monday: Did not wake up feeling the love for Monday. I feel sorry for Monday mornings. Busy day work wise and quite stressful; but I managed without the help and love of gin, chocolates or crisps.
Monday night kick back which is all going to come to an end in a few weeks time as Monday night will be University night. So I best enjoy it whilst I can.

Tuesday: Busy day today. I walked to work and home again. On the way home I saw a 'notes to strangers' poster. You see these randomly all over London, giving us all words of wisdom. This one could not have been more significant. The universe moves in mysterious ways.
Normal evening, Bake Off and bed ......... and so life rolls on.
Wednesday: The day before my birthday is always difficult for me. It is now five years since I last saw my daughter. The powers that be decided to move her out for University on this day five years ago. I had gone out for the day with friends and got home and she had gone. People and their actions can be very cruel. They knew what they were doing. Not a bad day that aside. Onwards and upwards.
Thursday: I am officially a tin of Heinz baked beans ..... 57! No big deal as still 29 in my head. I have many friends who are in the cemetery who would like to be celebrating their 57 birthday. Andy gave me his presents last night. They are so good love him, he put a lot of thought into them. I cried. I had been wanting to cry all day and did not allow myself but the tears finally come Wednesday evening at 10.30.

We had a voucher from Time Out to eat at Sea Containers (again) down at the Southbank. Oh we did have such a lovely meal. Champagne, gin and three delicious courses of the most wonderful food. It really was such a lovely evening and one of those pinch yourself moments. I sat at the table overlooking the river Thames, eating in this absolutely wonderful restaurant. Like I said to Andy ....... I was born for this. It has been a good birthday.
Friday: Supervision this morning at the Southbank Centre. How cool is that. I collected the tickets for Marc Almond whilst I was there. Never got back home until 3.00 and I had no lunch so was very hungry. No plans for the weekend, just the usual stuff but hey ho, it has been a good week.
As always, with my love x
That song reminds me of AbFab, when (I think) Stephanie Beecham played Patsy's sister. I have spent way too much of my life watching Ab Fab
Hello Sarah. I tried to Google this but could not find it. I love Ab Fab and I love this song, so I should find it really. Hope all is well. Hugs and stuff xxx