Saturday 7 January 2017

And it's hard to love, there's so much to hate Hanging on to hope When there is no hope to speak of And the wounded skies above say it's much too late Well maybe we should all be praying for time (Praying For Time- George Michael)

Yet another George classic.  The rich declare themselves poor and the rest of us are not sure ...... how true is that in today's world? Beautiful, meaning lyrics, sung with emotion and pain. Priceless.  Thank you George.

Tuesday:  Well I am feeling the love for so many things at the moment, but this morning was not one of them.  London was very cold and frosty and gave me nothing to make me drag myself out of bed. Fortunately, I was working from home today and that is mainly where I stayed. Well until the evening when I had lost the ability to walk and really had to think about it as I wrapped up warm and went to the supermarket to buy up everything that was green! Happy New Year.

Wednesday:  Busy day today, saving the world.  However, I did find a bargain, well it found me. I was walking past a charity shop and saw a brand new Peppa Pig toy in the window. It is Peppa Pig Princess.  Not too many details here, but this is hysterically funny and so I had to purchase it.  However, I do not think I will be keeping it.

Tonight I went to the Royal Opera House in Covent Garden to see The Nutcracker.  I will not lie, I really was not bothered about going. I think it is that post-Christmas thing.  The one where you want to be 7lbs lighter and not feel like Amy Winehouse in rehab.  I have had no alcohol, chocolate, bread or ....... well you fill the gap, for two days now. I am withdrawing which makes me a miserable moo.  Needless to say off I went and I was so glad that I did.  I had an amazing seat with a great view of the stage and was totally memorised by the performance.  The music was so lovely as there were so many pieces I recognised but the dancing; wow.  The elegance and strength in their bodies to be able to jump and lift so gracefully.  However, I did say to Andy that he needs to get himself a ballet dancer because I was a fair way from the stage but I am not sure what they had packed down their trousers. Andy said perhaps we could start with him just getting a man!

I was like a child in a sweet shop.  I did not move, well only to lean nearer and nearer to the stage as I was drawn into the whole performance. Truly magical. It only took me 20 minutes to get home (how good is that) and I said to Andy do you think it is too late for me to be a ballerina.  I will let you file your own response to that question.

Thursday:  New passport arrived today! How quick was that.  I promptly burst into tears and had a total wobble. I think it was because it was the last thing to
change. My whole identity.  Silly I know, but I felt as if I had cut the last string to Megan.  I know this is not true, but hey we cannot help how we feel. So took me a while to compose my self but it is done and it is for the best.  I am now, well I am now just me and that is OK.

Highlight of the day, well in fact the week, the Tesco order arrived ........ sigh!  London living at it's best.  

Friday:  Nope, still not feeling the love and I am not alone.  I have not found anyone yet who seems to be functioning in a positive way.  I finally, and I mean finally, dragged myself into the office for a meeting.  Before I went I had to get caffeine and found a really lovely Italian Deli near to where I needed to be.  I rolled up and ordered a large Americano (my usual) and when I left the woman who had served me said 'Have a nice weekend young lady and be naughty!'.  It made me laugh.  I told her that I had been naughty (in more ways than one) throughout the Christmas holiday and she said so had she.  We did laugh. You know me I collect people.  I told Jack (the lad the bloke formally known as Grayson) this and I don't think he had a clue what I was on about.  But as many of you know who actually read this; yep I collect people.  Meeting went well, really well and it was good to touch base with some lovely people again. I will work out of this office more I think.

Late finish then finally home and I had a man in my room! Andy had to come into my room, something he does not relish and sit on my bed for an hour as we were watching No Offence on Four on Demand. So funny and definitely our kind of human.  He managed to escape and then it was time to sleep. All good my friends, all good. 

As always, with my love x


  1. Well January 17 is supposed to be the most depressing day; they did a survey. Because it's so far from christmas, so far to the next holiday, so far from payday and the weather's miserable. So look forward to that.
    Yes I wanted to do ballet classes when I was a little girl too, but my parents considered it a frivolous waste of time (which I suppose it was but probably more useful than many of the things I did do). I suspect it might be too late now.
    Good news about the passport though. Well I think it's a good thing anyway. Moving on and all that.
    Hope you have/are having a good weekend.

  2. Hello Sarah really, the 17th heaven's help us. You have given me so much to look forward to! I never did the ballet thing as a kid, I had ballroom dancing lessons and quite liked that, but I have never been nibble on my toes ;) Yes the passport is a positive thing and yes marching forward. All well here sweets and my love to you and Oz xxx
