Another week. January is flying by. It scares me how quick the time passes. I cannot believe how old this song is either. It was released in 1984. I was 23/24 and was still making a hash of it even then. But old George he knew how to hit a nerve. I love this song. When I saw him in concert he did not have to sing; the crowd just sang and sang these beautiful lyrics. Thank you George for the memories and as always, enjoy.
Quiet night, just surviving. This time will pass.
Tuesday: Not the best of days to be honest. But I survived. Just. No art class tonight. I finished saving the world today and had an awful headache so just couldn't face it. So home I went. This time will pass.
Wednesday: Are you still with me? Have you run to the rooftops ready to throw yourself off? Today was better. Work done and dusted, this evening I was out with my French friend (remember him) Peppe le Phew. We met at Tower Bridge and went to Bermondsey Street (one of my new local favourite areas). It was so good to see him again as it had been ages. We spent the evening speaking in our usual Franglaise catching up on our 'life' admin. He thought it was interesting getting a different female's perspective and likewise, for me, it was good to hear a bloke's viewpoint. Ironically, well it is not really as it is me, he shares the same birthday as Jack the lad (formally known as Grayson). Of course he does! Why are you surprised? There are only 365 days in the year.

I had to be in the darkest depths of South East London early this morning and once again, it was so cold. I cannot believe how cold it is. Finally, back home and worked from home the rest of the day in the warm. My new venture arrived today. I am trying to support local businesses and have joined a scheme where I am sent a bag of coffee each month from a local coffee distributor called Pact Coffee. They source individual coffee growers throughout the world and ensure that they receive a good price for their product. It really is fresh roasted and ground coffee and I have total control how much is sent, so I will receive a new coffee every 28 days. Andy thinks all I need now is a beard and I will be a proper hipster. Quiet night as I have a very busy day tomorrow.
Friday: Up early this morning. Very early and was on the 8.30am train out of King's Cross to York for work. This is the first time I have been North since my move from my time in Stoke. York holds memories for me, from a past life. I used to go there quite a lot and I knew, especially under the current situation, today would be a challenge. I was not wrong.

I could not wait to get back to the hustle and bustle of London. The place where I feel safe. Made a cup of tea and sat and ate our Fat Rascals. I swear I do not know what I would do if I did not have Andy in my life. Went to my room and watched The Last Leg and that made me laugh. It is getting better.
As always, with my love x
What the f---is a fat rascal? No best not to tell me; something disgusting they eat in the North no doubt.
ReplyDeleteIt sounds like the job keeps you quite busy. Not sure whether that is good or bad of course.
The Spanish way is three kisses, although I always get confused. I struggle counting that high I think. When I lived in Spain lecherous expat men would come at you like a sink plunger, using it as an excuse.
Hello Sarah lol the Fat Rascal is like a scone and rather lovely and yes, found in Yorkshire. You know what the northerners are like, gravy on their chips. My job at the moment is very intense and it is a blessing and a curse. I do like the kissing thing, perhaps I should introduce it in London lol can you imagine. Hugs and three kisses xxx