Another one from the Faith album. It is funny when you look at lyrics how they can sum up your life or just be a total head fuck. This is a beautiful, soulful song. As always, there were a couple of lines I could have chosen, but these few words kind of sun up me at the moment. As always, enjoy.
Monday: Training all day today and very good it was too. I got talking, well she started talking to me, to a woman on the bus who was really interesting. I do not do the age thing, but if I had to I would say she was around 65-70 and she was telling me how she travels around, booking herself into Youth Hostels. She was very much a free spirit and I did have to chuckle how she had eyed me out on the bus to talk with.

Tuesday: Not feeling the love at the moment. I know why; many things and fighting them off but it is exhausting. Especially when a couple of them are totally pointless and could be avoided. Had a lovely chat with one of my friends in Stoke this evening. We do not normally chat; just message but tonight I called him. It was so strange to hear a Stoke accent and he thought I sounded really Southern. Funny old world.

Wednesday: Beautiful day today. Cold, but blue skies. It is one of those days when you think that Spring is on her way. However, we have February to get through first. I worked all morning, full on and then went for a walk. Popped in to see my Dad and to light a candle for him and for other people then to London Bridge to collect some train tickets. Stopped for a coffee and worked in the library for a bit, before making my way to the local art shop to buy some paper and pencils. I did not spend much, just in case this time passes but I want to at least give it a go.
Back home and back to work and it really is getting light now, however this evening, once again, it is bitterly cold. The rest of the evening went down hill rather rapidly .........
Thursday: The black dog and all his friends from the kennels arrived this morning. I could not face the day. I could not leave bed. I did not go to work. I did have a conversation with a dear friend in Stoke which did help (you know who you are) but, well I will leave it there.
Friday: Smile painted back on and out to save others, when all I need is for someone to hold me so tight and tell me it is all going to be ok. I was suppose to be going for drinks this evening with friends; I did not. I went to bed. I am feeling very anxious, very confused and very, very alone.
As always, with my love x
I love meeting random older women like that; it gives me faith that the life I have chosen is not so bad after all.
ReplyDeleteNot sure how easy it's gonna be to eradicate America from your life. Plus with Brexit Teresa may will be looking to get closer and closer. Probably need to move to some far flung corner of the world to get away from his reach.
<> it'll be ok :)
Hello Sarah. She was ace, we had such a lovely little chat. She was spirited and that is a great thing and your life is just fine! Don't ever change. The horror of Trump terrifies me and it has not even been a week yet! Not good my friend; not good xx