Sunday, 15 January 2017

Don't you know, you've got to go to the city You've got to reach the other side of the glass I think you'll make it in the city baby I think you know that you are more than just Some fucked up piece of ass (Flawless - George Michael)

Just before Christmas I was having a fashion show (as you do) with Andy as I was deciding what to wear on a date with Jack (the Lad previously known as Grayson).  I put this song on the CD player and strutted in and out of Andy's bedroom wearing numerous outfits as we both decide which one would be the most appropriate.  Flawless, absolutely flawless!  I said to Andy I had just the track to walk the catwalk with and this was it.  Happy memories.  As always, enjoy.

Monday:  Tube strike today and I had to travel to King's Cross for a meeting. I was on the bus for 90 minutes ..... sigh. Then after the meeting, the heaven's had opened.  Welcome to Monday morning.  On a brighter note I received a lovely gift today from my friend Margaret in Stoke. She sent me a love heart plaque that has some lyrics from the Luther Vandross song, Dance with my Father.  So lovely and really thoughtful.  I feel truly blessed.

Back home and a quiet night as I had a stonking headache.  I think we all need Spring to hurry up and spring.

Tuesday:  Was in the office today and went off to lunch at the lovely little coffee bar I found last week.  The one where the woman told me to be naughty. Ordered my lunch and sat at a table with a woman and got talking.  As I often do. It turns out that she was the Midlan Political Correspondent for ITV. We had a good chat about Stoke and she really was lovely. Just goes to show, something always happens when you go out.

Tonight I was often to Hoxton (again).  I do like it in the East.  So tonight I was at a new Meet Up where I was to life draw!  I emailed the organiser and told them I had no experience what so ever.  In fact, I cannot draw a breath or the curtains these days!  I was assured that it would be OK.  So off I rock, with the arty young people, the bearded hipsters and well and me.  The model was I guy probably my age.  He walked in, took his bath robe off and stood there stark naked.  We had 3 minutes to draw. So there I am with a piece of A3 paper and a pencil and did not have a clue.  I was crap.  However, pose after pose I did, only slightly get better.  In fact, on of the drawings looked like a naked bloke.  I enjoyed it.  The time went really, really quick. It was like a meditation.  So I have booked for five more classes.  I can only get better.

Wednesday:  Back over the East again tonight after work as it was my trip to the osteopath.  I have to say my back is so much better. She reviewed me and said that I am still leaning to the left and my leg is longer but this was because of my hip.  So she worked on my right hip and leg and once again, I walked out of there like a well oiled Tin Man. Amazing.  I do not have to go back for a month and then she will probably only want to see me every three months just to make sure everything stays where it should do.

Full moon tonight and a new Sainsbury's.  I have a brand new Sainsbury's just down the road.  This is like a gift from the Gods.  So tonight I went in and bought some lovely stir fry for my dinner.  I think I am going to be using said shop quite a lot. I even got excited because they had small shopping trolleys to use.  When you live in London you rarely see a shopping trolley.  Such excitement.   All I need now is a Wasabi and a Waitrose or Marks & Spencer food hall and all will be well in the world.

Thursday:  Still not feeling the love for the New Year.  I am not depressed; just feeling meh.  It did not help when I watched Rick Stein in Vietnam and then Bangkok. My heart ached, especially as today is the day that the snow arrived. Naturally not in London.  There was a little bit of sleet and it did turn cold, but not much else.  Needless to say, the country went into meltdown, like it was the end of the world.  You may not know (many of you do) I do not do snow!

Not the best ends to the evening.  However, I did managed to sleep ....... after I had hatched a plan in my head.

Friday:  Due to said plan hatched in my head, my morning took a turn in a completely different direction.  It amazes me that you can access certain departments of NHS quicker than you can your GP.

Snow arrived in London today. Not much of much to be honest. I had a busy day at King's College Hospital meeting some inspirational people. Back home, in the warm and a quiet night reflecting and reminding myself that this time, will, eventually pass.

As always, with my love x


  1. So there's a job for you; you could be a life model. Minimum wage job I think though..
    Nah drawing is a good relaxing hobby I think. It doesn't matter if you are 'good' at it because it's all down to interpretation anyway. You can go to the V&A and sketch the statues there for practice; I did that once or twice but people kept coming over nosing and I felt too self conscious.
    No I don't like London snow either, although I like snow when it's clean and pristine and surrounded by hills and mountains. Well, I like pictures of snow anyway.
    It'll soon start warming up anyway. I'm hoping so because I'm planning on being there April and I have no warm clothes.
    And yes it will pass. January is always difficult I think

  2. Hi Sarah a life model, god help me. No thank you. Yes I enjoy my drawing. It is so relaxing and takes my mind off all the things racing around in my head at the moment! Not a good time for me, but it will pass and I have survived worse. I need the sunshine please. Hugs and love xx
