I am still so sad about George and like David Bowie, cannot believe that I will never be able to hear him sing again live. There are so many tracks I could use and to be honest, probably could blog him all year (I won't). So this song: Kissing a Fool from Faith. A beautiful, soulful song, the words of which have hit a nerve more than once in my life. I still cannot believe he has gone ...... As always, enjoy.
Saturday: Why is it when you can be lazy and not rush out of bed you are wide awake at 6.00am? Sigh. I finally made a drink and went back to bed. Andy come back shorn from his early morning haircut bringing ingredients for a veggie omelette for breakfast. Every woman needs a bloke in her life who will cook for her now and then. Wash, dressed, fed and watered I was out. I had a strange thought whilst waiting for the bus regarding plasters. You know, the ones you stick on when you have cut yourself. Anyway, it was a bit of an epiphany regarding things you take for granted regarding your own ethnicity. However, I can see a niche in market and feel now that I should be on Dragon's Den with my new multi cultural first aid box. I shall leave it there!

I went to have my nails done again as I really enjoyed it when I went before Christmas. I saw the same lovely Vietnamese woman but, and if any of you are eating at the moment skip the next bit, my big toe nail fell off! It has been looking dodgy for a while and is obviously damaged. Well today it dropped off. Such a good look. I am starting a new trend. It is not 91/2 weeks but 91/2 toe nails. Let's face it, my feet have never been my best feature, remember llama feet? I now have bright purple nails! Go me.
Ingredients purchased as tonight I am cooking a Thai Green Curry and spent the afternoon watching the second Star Wars Film - The Attack of the Clones and then promptly feel asleep 20 minutes before the end! It is all rather confusing this Star Wars thing, hence me watching it in the right order. Thai Green Curry made; mine with tofu his Lordship's with chicken and it was rather delicious even if I say so myself. As for the rest of the 'live it up Saturday in London' we watched dear old Freddie and Queen in concert. Love him. Dear Freddie. Well I am the self acclaimed Queen of the Gays!

Sunday: My friend Sarah who is now in Australia has given me the wonderful news that January 17 is the most depressing day of the year. Yep, thanks for that Sarah. It is because it is a month virtually after Christmas, slap bang in the month and not near payday and credit card statements arriving! Joy oh joy. London today was grey and damp which summed it all up a treat. I left the house then realised I had no umbrella and no glasses. Made my way to Trews and there were only a few of us there so I did not hang around. Back home for some lunch and then household chores. Sigh. It has been a rare, quiet weekend really. I wish it was last Sunday as that was brilliant. Decided to torture myself further (no I did not rip off another toe nail) and check my bank statement. Surprisingly, it is not to bad but then I am not so good at maths.
One of the few good things about winter is Sunday Lunch or Dinner in this case. We cooked ourselves a cracking Sunday Lunch/Dinner (even if we say so ourselves) and had at least our eight a day in veggies. Tonight I booked myself into something I have always wanted to do. You know what I am like; new experiences and just go for it attitude. I will not say anything now as more will be revealed on Tuesday but needless to say I will be having and taking part in a whole new experience. Exciting stuff!
As always, with my love x
Well I don't think the Jan 17 thing applies here, with it still being the school summer holidays. Just think that it will soon be spring. Well only a few months anyway.
ReplyDeleteYou could always get one of those fake nails put on your toes, like the finger ones but on your toe. I did that once when my toenail broke right down. Yes I'm such a vain little creature.
I think that's a good hobby to take up to (I read on FB I"m not talking about fake nails now). Strangely enough I looked at a course in Brisbane, but it's a bit expensive and you have to pay for the whole lot even though I'll be away for a couple of weeks. It's always good to do something different with your time; you never know what it can lead to.
Hello Sarah I did think of a fake acrylic nail for the dead toe nail. However, thought I would wait until the summer when it was out on display. I kind of like it to be honest; it looks different. I really enjoyed my Tuesday night class. It is not a class as in a lesson, you have to just draw but at least I tried and I am going back next week to be with the creatives and hipsters lol. Like you say, good to be doing different. Love and stuff xxxx
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