Don't let me hear you say life's taking you nowhere, angel Come get up my baby Look at that sky, life's begun Nights are warm and the days are young (Golden Years - David Bowie)
I could not have this one could I. Fond memories from my teenage years and Bowie is a God. As always, enjoy.
Monday: Here we are again, another week. I was up early and checking emails for 8.00am. Few hours work at home and I walked into work. How cool is this. I sat in the park by Millbank reading my book, which is still good. Apart from the fact it gave me dreams last night as both books I am reading morphed into one where Grayson Perry was a Nazi. I am saying no more. Work done and dusted and was going to walk home but my leg ached. I tell you, exercise is not good for you, don't listen to them.
Back home and we shared dinner this evening and very nice it was too. So a quiet night tonight as I am out tomorrow and working (sigh) Wednesday. Also, I want to read my book!
Tuesday: I had to go to Crystal Palace today. I have never been there before in my life and don't really care if I never go back again to be honest. It was OK, but I am totally urbanised now, just like a fox. I got off the bus and thought I would grab a coffee, nope, not much around. Anyway, some of you may know that there is a huge TV aerial at Crystal Palace so I told myself I was in Paris. I know, but a girl can dream. Don't take them away from me! No drawing class tonight, I ended up working very late and are rather anxious about a situation tomorrow. I went home, said to Andy I wanted to go to my room and that is where I stayed. I really did not want to put my misery on him. This time will pass. Wednesday: Anxious meeting first thing that went surprisingly and reassuringly well. I had to go to our local sorting office to collect a package that could not be put through the letter box. Only I could have a tank just hanging around my neighbourhood. I did know about it but had never actually seen it. Apparently, it is an old Czech army tank that was used in the film Richard 3 in 1995, goodness knows what that is all about. Anyway, it was purchased by some bloke locally who kindly parked it there. So there you go a bit of local history for you! Back home for a few hours then back to where I was first thing. I called into Pret for my usual coffee and the guy, Luis, asked how I was and told me my coffee was on the house. Pret do this. They encourage their staff to give away so many drinks a day to people they feel needed one. Normally, it is just the good looking guys chatting up the girls. But dear, sweet Luis must have thought 'poor cow, she needs caffeine'. I thanked him for his random act of kindness and it reassured me that things will change and all will be well. Back to work as training volunteers tonight and finally got home, because of night road works, grrrr, at 10.00pm. Quick catch up with Andy then off to my room. It had been a roller coaster of a day and I really do not know where February is going! Thursday: Home working day today. So I did not bother washing my hair and just put my hang out the flat clothes on, but had a really productive day. Had a lovely soak in the bath and read my book. Sometimes the simplest of things can be the most relaxing. I did have to smile, then sigh this evening. It was announced that Leicester FC had sacked their manager Claudio Ranieri. Why am I mentioning this you may ask? Well cast your mind back to May last year. I had a date with someone who I never thought in a million years would be slightly interested in me. I was so nervous. I never get nervous for dates as they are normally a total disappointment. So I told myself that if, with Claudio Ranieri, Leicester can win the league with odds of 5000/1 then I can pull off this date. I did and went on to have nine dates with Grayson, Jack the Lad or Dave to give him his real name. Dave gave me my Christmases back and for that alone I will always be grateful. Then nothing. We exchanged a few texts and one, long, difficult telephone call in January and I have not heard from him since I texted him last at the end of January. I feel sad as I have lost a friend but I am also disappointed in him as he knows I have had people just disappear before and he has done the same. So tonight, when I heard of Claudio's dismissal I thought, that is it, that is the circle now closed. Leicester, like me, went from the best of times to now thank you very much for all you have done but good bye, you are no longer needed. Like Claudio, no doubt, I will move forward to new adventures. Funny how the real world can reflect life. I believe we meet people because we need to learn from them or they need to learn from us. We spend a season or two, or even a few years, enough time until we have 'learnt what we needed to learn' and then we move on. I just don't like the unfinished business, the not knowing. My friend Ian told me last week that I need to hit the reset button. I did smile, as I have reset my life so many times. But he is right. This circle has now been closed for both me and for Claudio. Friday: Beautiful blue skies this morning. I made it Friday. I did not think I would Tuesday evening, but the girl is still here. Quiet day work wise which is a blessing. I had an appointment at 11.00 so decided to walk part of the way to enjoy the sunshine. En route, I come across this pub. It took me right back to my childhood as this is what pubs looked like in the South East. It was such a lovely building and cannot work out if it is 1930s or 1950s. If it is post war, it did well to survive the bombing during the war as it is very near to the river and to the docks. It is funny when you forget all about things then see something and it takes you right back to your childhood. I went visit a community project in Rotherhithe that was formed over hundred years ago by wealthy Victorian women who wanted to offer support to women and children whose partners worked on the docks. Poverty was rife and their aim was to offer some suffrage and support. It was such a lovey charity doing some great work. They are called Time and Talents. I left my meeting and had walk around Southwark Park. I had passed it so many times on the bus so thought I would go and take a look. Once again, the park was formed in the Victorian era to give some greenery and 'fresh air' to the people living in the slums and tenements (the same ones working on the docks). The Bandstand was stunning and I could just imagine the Victorian children, rich and poor, dressed in their Sunday best, listening to the band on a Sunday afternoon. The Nanny's pushing the babies in those huge prams. I really was born in the wrong era. However, I would have been one of the women needing support with a bloke working on the docks. Downstairs for me but dreaming of upstairs. Quiet night in after a couple of trips to Sainsbury's to actually buy some food. This is the trouble of living in Central London. Numerous trips to the supermarket. But at last I have some food in now. The sunshine has helped and I am slowly getting my mojo back. Just not ready to dip my toes again yet.
I did wonder what became of Dave. Well, just accept that you had fun and it's his loss really. Knowing what he was like with social medias he may still get in touch, but it is not acceptable to leave things and pick them up again like that, I think. Training volunteers is your job? I was a volunteer in various different organisations and the training they provided was mostly crap. 2 days in a room with someone stating the obvious. Sounds like a cool job though; I always thought these people could do so much more if they just cared, or if they treated people volunteering with a bit of respect.
Hello Sarah. Yes Dave has left the building. I am disappointed in him as he knows how people just do one on me; and I am angry with myself for doing that stupid trusting thing again. However, I can smile at the time we had and yes, you and the rest of the world think he will just rock up as if nothing has happened. Watch this space. I do not just train volunteers, but that is a huge part of my job. Can you imagine my training being nothing but brilliant! Come off it lol. I really value my volunteers and have been working in that field now for over 20 years. In fact, I still have friends who started off as a volunteer. See I care that is it the problem with me, perhaps too much at times. Still no word this end from my email, but I will let you know and keep me in the loop. Hugs and love xxxxxxxx
I did wonder what became of Dave. Well, just accept that you had fun and it's his loss really. Knowing what he was like with social medias he may still get in touch, but it is not acceptable to leave things and pick them up again like that, I think.
ReplyDeleteTraining volunteers is your job? I was a volunteer in various different organisations and the training they provided was mostly crap. 2 days in a room with someone stating the obvious. Sounds like a cool job though; I always thought these people could do so much more if they just cared, or if they treated people volunteering with a bit of respect.
Hello Sarah. Yes Dave has left the building. I am disappointed in him as he knows how people just do one on me; and I am angry with myself for doing that stupid trusting thing again. However, I can smile at the time we had and yes, you and the rest of the world think he will just rock up as if nothing has happened. Watch this space. I do not just train volunteers, but that is a huge part of my job. Can you imagine my training being nothing but brilliant! Come off it lol. I really value my volunteers and have been working in that field now for over 20 years. In fact, I still have friends who started off as a volunteer. See I care that is it the problem with me, perhaps too much at times. Still no word this end from my email, but I will let you know and keep me in the loop. Hugs and love xxxxxxxx