Ah, oh your hair is beautiful Ah, tonight Atomic Tonight make it magnificent Tonight Make me tonight (Atomic - Blondie)
I saw Blondie years and years ago in concert and I swear she has not aged. She is my kind of person (see end of this blog). Anyway, here you go, enjoy.
Saturday: Today is Andy's 30th Birthday which means he is officially older than myself. He did not know what he wanted for his birthday, so I gave him a Terry's chocolate orange and a personalised card with Thor on it. He will tell me when he has seen something he would like me to buy. I put a few banners saying Birthday Boy! I could not even prepare a breakfast for him as he was meeting his friends before his Meet Up for brunch. But all is well, it is his day. I had decorated the flat with some Birthday Boy banners for him. I took myself of to Brixton for a mooch around. I do quite like it over there if I am honest. I found the memorial to David Bowie. I wanted to go and see it and I must admit I felt a tad sad. Such a waste of talent. I then made my way up to Piccadilly as I wanted to get something from Fortnum and Mason's. I do like it in there and once again I should have been born in the Victorian/Edwardian days. Purchases in the bag, literally. I made my way home. Quiet night, home alone. Played scrabble on my phone, read my book and watched Planet of the Apes. Sigh. Sunday: I am really missing my Sunday morning meditation group. However, I am just not feeling the love for it. Russel Brand no longer has a say on the Trews Cafe and it is being managed by a rehabilitation charity who is now running it for profit, so they now cook with meat. This never happened. Also, many of the people who went to meditate no longer go and it means there are about four of us. So I have not been going. No point. So today I booked myself into another new Meet Up group. This one was urban social walks around London. I cannot tell you how much effort it takes to do this. I have a voice in my head that says 'what is the point'; then another voice says 'go on nothing happens unless you make it happen'. So I got myself on a bus and made my way up to one of my favourite parts of London - Bloomsbury. En route I come across this amazing shop that sells sticks and umbrellas. It as just like walking back in time. Magical.
Senate House - Very Art Deco
The problem with me, well one of the many problems, is I do not sit in a box. I am a woman of a certain age but do not stereotypically act my age! Thank goodness. However, because I act younger does not necessary mean that you can meet up with younger people as they do not want older people in their group. Today was one of those days. The group was made up of about 12 people all 'my age' with one foot in the grave or no personality or nothing that interested me. I am not being cruel, it may sound like I am, but I have to talk to people some days who I really do not have anything in common with as this is my job and that is fine. However, it does not mean I want to be doing it all weekend. There were a couple of people from the suburbs and I am so London now so when I am being asked/interrogated where do you come from, where do you work etc and I know I have nothing at all in common with these people, I shut up. Yes it can be done and I did it this afternoon. The walk was interesting but not because of the guide/organiser who had obviously downloaded a few notes off the computer and thought this would do. Me being me, could not stop herself and when we were standing in Russell Square and he said this is Bedford Square I had to correct him. I know, I know but hey that is me. Needless to say I could not wait for it to be over. I will go back around this walk again, on my own, and take it in more. But hey, I will not be going again. Back home and and I had my Fortnum and Mason's pie for for my dinner and then attempted some drawing. Yes I am still crap. So it has not been a bad weekend. But I really do need to find my tribe. I enjoy the company of like-minded people, people with some life in them, who do not take things too seriously. Just because I am in my 50s does not mean I am ready to retire, I never will be able to anyway, if I do not work, I do not live. It is that simple. Just because I am in my 50s does not mean I have one foot in the grave. I have more energy now than I have every have. But where do I go to meet up with like minded souls. It is very difficult.
Ah so much here I don't know where to start. Yes I have the same problem with people 'my age', although I have been making a lot of effort and I have met quite a few 50+ people who are totally cool now; you just have to hunt them down a bit. I hate small talk too. If I don't care what someone does for a job or where they live I no longer bother to ask. I think I may have been on the urban walks thing. There was a man with a huge group and he didn't really know what he was talking about. Fine, because the point of the walk was meeting people rather than gaining historical facts but there were too many people and most seemed to be couples who just chatted to each other. I don't think there is a tribe to belong to necessarily; maybe we just have to pull individuals out of their tribes and then form our own. That's my conclusion anyway. I'd like to go see the Bowie thing (well I may have more chance than I want soon). Isn't there talk about a huge streak of lightening monument? I think I saw it in Time Out. Year before last I kept running into Blondie at festivals and such. They were varied. It actually seemed a little sad when they had old videos of her playing in the background and jumping around, whilst these days she just stands there. She kept forgetting the words too, and the words were never the most complicated thing, were they? She could be in our tribe :) xx
Hello Sarah. What a long reply! Yes the 'age thing' is crap. Saying that I had a lovely conversation with a rather lovely young man at my art class on Tuesday night, who totally got it, my kind of person. Age or no age. You are right I need to go on a hunt and find them. I mean, I meet you didn't I. I like the idea of hunting them down then pulling them out of their tribe and bringing them into mine. I know they are out there, it is just the effort of finding them isn't it. But when you do, it is priceless. The Bowie thing did make me feel quite sad to be honest. Such a waste. He definitely would have been in our tribe! Blondie forgetting her words. Like you say, let's face it, there really wasn't much to remember was there lol. Love her. Oh and yes, she can be in. However, think I need to focus more on a realistic tribe and as Bowie is dead and Blondie is goodness knows where, I guess I better start in London. Hugs and love xx
Ah so much here I don't know where to start.
ReplyDeleteYes I have the same problem with people 'my age', although I have been making a lot of effort and I have met quite a few 50+ people who are totally cool now; you just have to hunt them down a bit. I hate small talk too. If I don't care what someone does for a job or where they live I no longer bother to ask.
I think I may have been on the urban walks thing. There was a man with a huge group and he didn't really know what he was talking about. Fine, because the point of the walk was meeting people rather than gaining historical facts but there were too many people and most seemed to be couples who just chatted to each other.
I don't think there is a tribe to belong to necessarily; maybe we just have to pull individuals out of their tribes and then form our own. That's my conclusion anyway.
I'd like to go see the Bowie thing (well I may have more chance than I want soon). Isn't there talk about a huge streak of lightening monument? I think I saw it in Time Out.
Year before last I kept running into Blondie at festivals and such. They were varied. It actually seemed a little sad when they had old videos of her playing in the background and jumping around, whilst these days she just stands there. She kept forgetting the words too, and the words were never the most complicated thing, were they? She could be in our tribe :)
Hello Sarah. What a long reply! Yes the 'age thing' is crap. Saying that I had a lovely conversation with a rather lovely young man at my art class on Tuesday night, who totally got it, my kind of person. Age or no age. You are right I need to go on a hunt and find them. I mean, I meet you didn't I. I like the idea of hunting them down then pulling them out of their tribe and bringing them into mine. I know they are out there, it is just the effort of finding them isn't it. But when you do, it is priceless. The Bowie thing did make me feel quite sad to be honest. Such a waste. He definitely would have been in our tribe! Blondie forgetting her words. Like you say, let's face it, there really wasn't much to remember was there lol. Love her. Oh and yes, she can be in. However, think I need to focus more on a realistic tribe and as Bowie is dead and Blondie is goodness knows where, I guess I better start in London. Hugs and love xx