Go straight to the place where you first lost your balance And find your feet with the people that you love and Bring us in an indigo dawn with the lovelorn and renegade You with the eyes ever met not forgotten (Real Life - Elbow)
One of my favourite Elbow songs because of the lyrics and the lines I have chosen are really appropriate for this week's events. Such a lovely song. As always enjoy.
Monday: Phew, it's a scorcher and only I could arrange to visit two people, miles away from each other, on the hottest day of the year. It was around 31-32 degrees today and it was hot. I was on and off buses all day and was quite happy to finally get home and jump, once again, into the shower. I will not complain about it, it is lovely. I just which I did not have to 'function' in it. Usual madness tonight. We have a fan in the flat and it hates me. I pick it up to move it and things drop off it or it does not blow in the direction I want it too. We sat there most of the evening before Andy noticed that once again, I had moved the fan and it was just blowing into the wall. I really do not know how he puts up with me. We did laugh as once again, he moved it to the right position without anything dropping off it! Tuesday: Another scorcher and working from home, with said fan, put in the right position by Andy before he left for work, but this time, something had dropped off for him. It hates me that fan. Busy day, they always are when I work from home but I was determined to stagger up the shopping centre to get some human contact. So home alone this evening as Andy has an 'overnighter' with work. So tonight I will be able to sleep with my bedroom door open ....... yay! Wednesday: Incredibly hot in London. 33 degrees today and I have been struggling with my breathing. Things were getting better on the new medication, but this weather has really been a challenge. I love the hot weather, but not when I am struggling to breathe. I am back at the GP's on Monday so it will be mentioned in dispatches. I had to work late today and left the office at 9.00 and walked towards Parliament to catch the bus. I still have to pinch myself that this is now my life; a city life. It has been a miserable year so far: bad back, the 'tooth' saga, ongoing issues with breathing (goodness knows that is all about), disappointments with relationships (the start of the year) and career progression. It has just been miserable. So today is the longest day and let's hope the next part of the year gives me a break and things improve. Thursday: It is a great deal cooler today, around 25 degrees and fortunately, my breathing is much improved. Working from home todayand getting all those jobs done 'workwise' that never get done. This afternoon/evening I went to Birkbeck's Open Day. When I was studying for my degree I wanted to go on to study for my Master's at Birkbeck and I can remember saying to JF how can I get down to London one evening a week for two years. It was impossible. Now I can catch the 188 bus outside of my flat that takes me from door to door. I was quite nervous attending this (on my own of course, everything is on my own) but I sat and spoke to the Director of the course I was, and always have, been interested in and I was sold. I am normally so cautious about things, especially financial things. But for once I thought sod it! Just do it. I looked around the campus and fell in love with the library. I met other students and spoke to a lovely women who was 35 who had just finished her Masters in Criminology. Needless to say, we sat and had a good chat about the CJS and in particular women and the LGBT community. I was home. Finally. I did find it all a tad emotional to be honest and I sat in Russell Square (oh I forgot to say, Birkbeck is in Bloomsbury which is, as many of you know, my favourite part of town) thinking. Six years ago, virtually to the day, I was in London with Megan and JF and we went to the University of London's Open Day. Birkbeck is part of the University of London ......... of course it is, why are you even surprised. So it was a bit difficult to process. However, the decision is made. I will be studying for the next two years for my MSc. Friday: No work today as I have hours owing. Andy was not at work either. I was due to travel East to see someone at my volunteering, but they had to cancel at the last minute. So Andy and I caught a train from Waterloo and went to Kew. I have never been to Kew but Andy knew of people who had been and loved it, so he said shall we go. It was good to get out of town for a bit. Kew Gardens is stunning. It really is beautiful. We went into the huge glass house and they had plants from all over the world. There really were some strange, alien type sights. We walked miles, going from one exhibit to another. We went into The Princess of Wales Conservatory which contained numerous climatic zones including plants such as cacti, ferns, orchids and carnivorous plants. I liked it in there.
We went to The Hive which allowed us to step into the life of bees in a structure designed by artist Wolfgang Buttress. It reminded me of the Reichstag in Berlin. Andy then decided that we were going on the Treetop Walkway. I am not very good with heights but up we went, all 18 metres into the canopy of lime, sweet chestnut and oak trees. It gave us a bird's-eye view of Kew Gardens. It really was fun, well apart from the bloody thing wobbling which scared the living daylights out of me. By now we were both thirsty and hungry so we went for something to eat. After this we both wanted to go to sleep! We had a quick look around then made our way home. When I got in, I went to lie on my bed and promptly fell asleep. It was such a good day out. Rounded up the evening by watching Elbow's set at Glastonbury. I happy, memory day.
Strangely I looked at going to Birkbeck too, but didn't want to commit to staying in London for all that time. Good on you for doing it; it's quite a commitment of time(I don't mean the attending college once a week but all the work you have to do ).
Hello Sarah. Two years will be a breeze compared to the six years I studied for my undergraduate degree. It will fill my time well and who knows where it may lead. Take care xx
MSC .... More Studying @ College?
ReplyDeleteBig girls university this time! I'm going to be a student 👨🏽🎓
ReplyDeleteStrangely I looked at going to Birkbeck too, but didn't want to commit to staying in London for all that time. Good on you for doing it; it's quite a commitment of time(I don't mean the attending college once a week but all the work you have to do ).
ReplyDeleteHello Sarah. Two years will be a breeze compared to the six years I studied for my undergraduate degree. It will fill my time well and who knows where it may lead. Take care xx
ReplyDeleteI looked at going to Birkbeck too, but didn't want to commit to staying in London for all that time..
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