And my sister buzzes through the room leaving perfume in the air And that's what triggered this I come back here from time to time I shelter here somedays (Scattered Black and Whites - Elbow)
I guess I was motivated by the terrible events that took place recently in Manchester to blog this band this month. I come rather late to Elbow's party if I am honest. But now I have found them, I have not intention in leaving. Their music has recently got me through the most terrible period in my life. I smile and cry at the same time when I hear some of their songs. Guy Garvey, in my opinion, has the most calming, Manchurian voice ever. Their lyrics are beautiful, moving and say it all. I make no apologies for probably blogging these guys ten times over. The problem I have is to choose which tracks I want to use.
So this song is of fond memories. Those black and white images you and I have of our childhood. Those memories, those smells that just take as back to those precious moments in time. I head another song today on the radio and it took me right back to when Meg was first born. It triggered a memory and this is what this song is all about. Deeply moving as it paints a picture of nostalgia. It is from their first album to be released called Asleep in the Back. Ironically, I heard from someone I meet in London this weekend who is back in the UK for a few days from China and wanted to meet up but I feel yuk with this asthma. Anyway he told me that him and his brother grew up with Guy Garvey and his brother is mentioned in the credits of this album. I checked and yes Ben Hillier is mentioned. Now I think that is pretty cool. As always, enjoy.
Tuesday: Well today is an exciting day. But if I told you, I would have kill you and we really do not want that do we. Day went well. It always amazes me when people say to me 'oh you are so strong' or 'you are so resilient'. What choice do I have? I have no choice. Trust me when I say there have been times this year when I could have quite easily taken the Diazepam and other stuff I have stored and pulled the duvet over me and checked out. But I would not do that to Andy. It would not be fair. I am not strong; ask him. However, today I have been strong and done my very best to once again, reinvent myself. We shall see. Wednesday: Back at Guy's first thing to finally have the tooth removed. I had such a lovely dentist who reminded me of Omid Djalili. He was so lovely and explained everything to me. By now, and after all the dentists I have seen over the past few weeks, I was rather nervous. I had such a lovely view from my dentist chair of the Tate Modern and St Paul's. Within a few minutes, the tooth that has served me for probably 52 years was out. They asked if I wanted to see it; of course I did. I also asked if I were to put it under my pillow would the tooth fairy leave me £2000 for an implant. The dentist and the assistant laugh and said NO. So straight from there to a meeting (yes I know, but I have to work) that done and dusted I went home and took some painkillers and went to bed for an hour and then had a quiet afternoon working from home. Strong in someways yes; emotionally scared - definitely!
Thursday: Spent just over 3.5 hours on the 53 bus today. I shall leave that there. I am being tested. It was too hot to be stuck on a bus with smelly people and smelly fish. What do these people do with all this fish! Talons cut and painted and back home as the 'tooth' which is no longer a 'tooth' was hating. I have congratulated myself today for not killing anyone! Well done me. Friday: A completely waste of time work wise today. Not my doing but others. After work I had to go for a private consultation to talk about my allergies. It was at The Shard. Fortunately, I get private medical insurance with my job. The doctor I saw was so lovely and he did a prick test with a few allergies including trees, birch tree, dust mites etc. It did not show anything conclusive but the tree and birch tree test was raised a bit. So I had blood tests done and he has given me a private prescription for a new inhaler and suggested I go and speak with my GP as he feels, like me, it has not been maintained an that is why it goes out of control. He was so lovely and it was a good experience. Just goes to show what money buys you. I have been waiting all day for some news which did not come, so that has left me a bit flat, but hey ho. We had a lot of rain and then a thunder storm and it has kind of cleared the air. So here we are again. It is Friday .............. yay!
So you finally got rid of the tooth and can start the 3 month countdown then? That's something, and you can get it all back again around beginning of September I guess. Not really surprising you haven't really found an allergy; it's rarely that simple. But at least you're getting it done and thank Goddess for private insurance eh?
Hello Sarah. Yes, the tooth has left the building. Just need to win the lottery to replace the damn thing now. I agree, thank goodness for private medical insurance xx
So you finally got rid of the tooth and can start the 3 month countdown then? That's something, and you can get it all back again around beginning of September I guess.
ReplyDeleteNot really surprising you haven't really found an allergy; it's rarely that simple. But at least you're getting it done and thank Goddess for private insurance eh?
Hello Sarah. Yes, the tooth has left the building. Just need to win the lottery to replace the damn thing now. I agree, thank goodness for private medical insurance xx