The first time I saw you Oh, you looked so fine And I had a feeling One day you'd be mine Honey you came along and captured my heart Now my love is somewhere lost in your kiss When I'm all alone it's you that I miss (Penny Lover - Lionel Richie)
There are so many songs to choose from, so many hits. Once again, I guess it is the lyrics that draw me to this one. So as always, enjoy.
Monday: Another week and I am in holiday mode. I cannot wait for my week off. I know as soon as it gets here it will go but I need a break. Busy day and the the evening was watching GOT. Simple as that.
Tuesday: Interesting today; another hospital. I went for a CT scan and I was terrified. The staff were so lovely and reassuring but I just laid there and closed my eyes. It was a very strange experience. At the end, they asked if I would like a disc with the images on. Of course I said yes. Later on in the day I met up with an old ‘friend’ from two summers ago which was lovely. We went for ice cream in Belgravia (as you do) and spent time, chatting and laughing and we are going to meet up again.
Back home I looked at the CD images and Andy can see a problem; and I cannot. So our diagnosis is there is something wrong with me or there isn’t anything wrong with me. I shall park that one there.
Wednesday: Busy day today but I made it, it is hump day. Lazy evening. I had life laundry to do but could not be bothered and watched Coach Trip and MasterChef instead. All rock and roll. I am countdown now to for my week off.
Thursday: Working at a hospital today (see so many hospitals) and it was good to have some conversation and laughs with my colleagues. It is a good job I do not work down here very often. I could have brought my CT scan pictures and found a lovely doctor to explain them to me. I didn’t. After work I went to the beauticians to get my nails done and they look absolutely lovely. Went for the bright red. Today is A Level result day and for me, this day is always painful. I did not watch the news all day because of it but had friends, quite rightly proud of their children, posting on FB. I am so pleased for them and I can see why it is such a lovely time; albeit a difficult time for me.
Friday: I should have known that I would be busy today. All I wanted was a quite slide into my week off; that was not meant to be. However, 16:31 arrived and I am now on annual leave. Praise the Lord.
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