I then went past my second home with husband number one (you can see the head fuck really taking place now can't you). Sigh. It was quiet emotional to be honest. A really weird feeling of where have all the years gone and what have I done? So much, yet so little. Strange.
When I first met Jackie, her son was around 7 years old and here he was today, in his own home with his lovely partner and their new born daughter. Like I said, where have the years gone? They have such a beautiful home and daughter and it was so good to see Jackie again. However, the day flew by and it was soon time for the long farewell. I felt for her. I could understand totally her pain and heartache. It made me feel so sad for time wasted and goodbyes that really should not be.
Train journey home and back to the flat. What an emotional day, in more ways than one.

We then caught a bus up to Bloomsbury (where I should be living) and went for some sushi. This is the first time Jackie had tried it and she loved it. I took her to see my new college so that she can visualise me pulling my hair (what there is left of it) out for the next two years. Back home to the flat. We had walked miles.
In other news, Andy's sister had her baby today, a little boy called Dylan. Which means he will be away for the Bank Holiday weekend.

We laughed and laughed. It is so bad. It offends everyone. There are a couple of songs in it that really make me laugh so much. By the end of the evening my whole face ached. Such a tonic and fond, fond memories of a great night out.

After this we went to Crossbones. Jackie was telling me about a book she was reading and that this was mentioned it it. She could not believe it was just up the road from my home, so we had to go and see it (I have been before). It really is a moving and historical place and well worth a second visit.
We then went to The Tate Modern and went to see two exhibitions. The first was Soul of a Nation: Art in the age of a nation. It was very good but not a good idea to see it the day after seeing the Book of Mormon. Then we went to see (again for me) Giacometti. Jackie remembers seeing some of his work when she was a teenager and it was so good for her to see so much more of his amazing creations. We went up to the Member's Bar for a drink then caught the bus home.
Pizza and chatting and a night in. We were both so tired. Also, everyone leaves me tomorrow to go on their journeys so it was good to touch base.
Friday: The day of reckoning. The week is up. Andy left to go home to take up his Uncle duties. Jackie packed, unpacked and packed again. Too much stuff. So much so, she had to buy another case. I was dreading the trip to Heathrow for so many reasons.
We left the flat at four; bouncing her large suitcase down the 48 steps to my flat. The tube was rammed and the journey was vile. We could not even sit together. We checked in her bags and she was only .5kg over. Nothing was said. We went for a coffee and looked at the flights coming up on the screen. Talking about where we would like to go. As if.
Then the time come to say our goodbyes. I hate goodbyes these days. People come into my life then leave. It is as simple as that and it does not get any easier. We hugged and cried and cried and hugged and then she was gone. I felt so alone. But I am alone. Back on the tube and home to an empty flat. But like every other person in my life; I have the memories.
As always, with my love x
I wondered what had happened to you; I kept thinking I had missed something.
ReplyDeleteNo I hate goodbyes too; sometimes it seems that's all there is. But you'll be back to New Zealand really soon, won't you? It's funny when you first mentioned it it seemed so far away and now it's only a couple of months. Like you say, where does the time go?
Hello Sarah. I am still here, just a glitch and hopefully all well now. Yes goodbyes do not get any easier. It is only 74 days until I go to NZ and I have five stone to loose. So all going to plan. I hope all is well with you. xxx