I chose this track as my friend Sarah said that she hates Neil Diamond, except this song, which she thinks she can sing after she has been drinking. I do not think she is alone. So pour yourself a drink and sing Sarah; sing.
Saturday: Beautiful sunny morning. However, the rain clouds did pass by but not for long. I waked to the nearest charity shops to take some clothes and then called into new coffee place near to where I live. I have passed it a couple of times on the bus and it looked good. It was and so was the coffee. I then caught a bus up to Elizabeth Street which is near to Victoria Bus Station. My friend, Hannah has been commissioned by Jo Malone (not the brand by the original Jo Malone) to make paper flowers for a window display at the Jo Loves shop and for the Chelsea Flower Show. I am so proud of her. Hannah, you really are so, so talented. I stood like a proud parent outside of the shop taking photos of her amazing art. I did want to go into the shop, it smelt absolutely lovely but I knew if I went in I would buy something and I am trying to save at the moment. But trust me, I am a devil for perfume and I will be going back.
Walked up to Victoria Street and called in to good old M&S and then caught the bus back home to my flat. Did some chores, but it was so hot. This is the trouble with living in a penthouse apartment aka a third floor flat. It gets so hot. Sat down with a beer and watched the FA Cup final. I can be such a lad at times! Spent the evening watching Shrek, as you do! I remember taking Meg to see this film at the cinema at Stoke museum and there was a guy sitting in front of me with a small child and him and I were just laughing out loud at the film as there is so much in it that really is not for children. It was good to watch it again.
Monday: Bank Holiday Monday. Where oh where is the time going? Grey, overcast but warm today. A typical Bank Holiday weekend really. So I worked through my paperwork again, to get it clear in my head and spent most of the day trying to control my asthma. Nightmare. I feel I am just falling apart. Andy was not up too much either so we played a couple of board games and had a lazy day. I am not worried. I have something on every day this week, up until Sunday so it is going to be a busy time.

Sunday: Warm day in London but I had some prep work to do. I have also heard from two 'ghosts from Christmases past' the last couple of days. I am just wondering who the third one is going to be ............ Prep paperwork done and dusted and feeling quite smug, Andy and I had a walk up the shops to get some 'bits'. I really cannot be bothered to day and everything is feeling like just too much effort. But hey that's Bank Holidays for you. Also, asthma is really off today so that is not helping either. That really should be going now. It really has outstayed its welcome.
Fell asleep on the sofa this afternoon whilst Andy was killing numerous things on the Playstation. Typical Bank Holiday weekend as we watched The Spy Who Loved Me which was being shown because of the recent death of Roger Moore. The rain arrived and it looked as if it was going to storm, but it never did. So a quiet put productive day but all good.

As always, with my love x
yeah not enough alcohol in the world to make me sing along right now I think.
ReplyDeleteBank holidays are always a bit irritating I think. Too busy to travel anywhere, everything crowded. Much better to just use them to catch up on stuff.
Hello Sarah Yeah I get that re the alcohol. I agree totally with Bank Holidays I wish you could just take them when you wanted! Hugs and stuff xx