Monday: Working from home all day and exciting stuff as I had to book a flight and a hotel for work. More about that later in the month. Busy as usual but all done and dusted. Asthma, or whatever it is was not good today. I don't know why as I have not even been outside of the house. It really is getting me down now as it is just miserable. I just feel like my life is on hold.
Tuesday: Lovely visit to a person today who had a beautiful dress on. I went home and ordered one the same style; different colour. It is coming tomorrow. I never used to wear dresses and now I just love them. Quiet night and I was in my room for 9.00pm.
Wednesday: Beautiful, hot day today. I was struggling again with my breathing. It really is an issue now. On a bus again, all over South East London then back home to what I wanted to be a quiet afternoon. Needless to say, that did not work out to plan. Dress was delivered and I will try it on later when I have had a shower. So warm in London. I wish I was on a beach.
Terrible news today about a client, younger than me, who has been given a second diagnosis. She will not see her two teenage children grow up. It really affected me. I have a daughter who does not want anything to do with me and there is this lovely woman who I would swap places with, just so she could see her family grow up. So terribly sad. I went to my room early as it really affected my mood.
Thursday: I had my 1-2-1 today with my new boss and it was at the Southbank Centre. What a venue. We sat outside and I had to pinch myself. I have never had supervision is such a beautiful, iconic venue. It went really well and when I got home I noticed that I have caught the sun on my shoulders. Once again, it has been around 30 degrees in London. Ironically, my breathing has been OK today. No logic to it.

Friday: Day off today for working last weekend. I took myself off to Tate Modern to the Giocometti exhibition. It was really interest and as it was a lovely day out; very quiet. There were a few pieces of his work I really liked and it opened my eyes, once again, to something different. Up to the Member's Room and I treated myself (something that happened a lot in the next few days) to a lovely lunch and a glass of wine. I just loved the view from my table and I had too, once again, pinch myself that this is really my life now. I walked down to Borough Market and had a lovely chat with the man on the olive stall. He really is so sweet and knows me now. Grabbed a coffee at my usual haunt at Borough then called into Ryman's to pick up some provisions.

As always, with my love x
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