Here I am, prayin' for this moment to last, livin' on the music so fine, borne on the wind, makin' it mine. (Night Fever - Bee Gees)
Well I had to finish off with this one didn't I? I just love this song and film and it kind of fits as I was looking for male escorts on line this evening, as you do. It is amazing what you can order on line. It is like Deliveroo but in a completely different way. I was going to empty my pot of 2p and 5p and bag it up. I was also looking for buy one get one free or half price so me and Andy could go halves. But no joy. I did think of using the track, 'How deep is my love' but thought better of it! Ah London life. As always, enjoy!
Saturday: The weather is like winter. It really does not make you feel like dragging yourself out. But I did. My friend Emma and loaned me her V&A membership and I have loaned her my Tate. So today I went to see the Pink Floyd exhibition.
Free ride on the bus as the Oyster Card machine was not working but the museums were rammed full of visitors from around the world. I did not have to queue as I had membership and was given headphones which guided you around the exhibition. The only problem always is, they let too many people in and children. I do not do small children very well these days. Especially, middle class, winging ones. All that aside, the exhibition was brilliant. I was late joining the part that is Pink Floyd but my dear old Uncle Brian loved them. I did get quite emotional at one point thinking of him as he would have absolutely loved it. It is very visual, interactive and loud and I would really recommend it if you are coming to London.
I was going to go on elsewhere afterwards but guess what? It was raining and I mean raining. So I come home and caught up on shit TV, which mirrored the weather as I looked outside of the window. Come back summer, I miss you. So a quiet evening, checking out the gigolos and lots of laughter. Sunday:Spent the morning packing, but more about that tomorrow. But the passport is out, just in case. We had decided to go out for lunch today. There is something rather lovely about a Sunday Lunch don't you think? It was Andy's idea but I got to chose, so we went to the Mayflower in Rotherhithe. This is such a lovely part of London, steep in social history and if only those walls of the buildings could talk!
We went to one of my favourite pubs, The Mayflower. Such a beautiful, old pub and the food is so good. We totally pigged out and washed it all down with gin. Our table overlooked the Thames and I still find it hard to believe that this is my home. So it was lovely food, good gin and great company.
We caught the good old 188 bus home and missed the round London bike race that has been going on all day. So inconvenient as almost every bridge across the river has been closed at some point. Finished off my packing and charging of phone, iPad and getting 'stuff' together. We then sat down to watch Dirty Dancing as I have never seen that film and still haven't as Einstein had only recorded part of it. However, it is on again this evening so hopefully, it will not be like most films I only see parts of.
Finished off the weekend by watching good old Bruce Willis in a Die Hard film. It was scary how young everyone looked. Obviously, unlike me, who is still only 29.
Yes that Pink Floyd thing was brilliantly curated, and I was never a massive fan but I still enjoyed it. Such is the advantage of living in London I suppose, so much to go and see xx
Hello Sarah. So much to do and such little time to do it in! Fortunately, I had free access to this one, but if I did have to pay it would have been money well spent. Hugs and stuff xxx
Yes that Pink Floyd thing was brilliantly curated, and I was never a massive fan but I still enjoyed it. Such is the advantage of living in London I suppose, so much to go and see
Hello Sarah. So much to do and such little time to do it in! Fortunately, I had free access to this one, but if I did have to pay it would have been money well spent. Hugs and stuff xxx
DeleteWhat no blog?
ReplyDeleteHello Ian I'm writing it but not publishing it for a bit. Long story. It will be back x
DeleteHello Ian I'm writing it but not publishing it for a bit. Long story. It will be back x