Monday: Back at GP's today, sigh! No improvement; more drugs, sigh. Then to see the psychotic nurse who was, how can I put this, far from gentle in her use of implements. I will let you fill in the gaps. Busy day work wise and I nipped out later on the get some cards and stuff, oh and more drugs, from the chemist.

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I was tired when I got home so it was quiet night, catching up on life laundry. New book come today, so that is it. I will have my head in this for the next few days. All very exciting, but still terrifying.
Thursday: Working from home today, so I had an early start and as usual got tons done. I really do have to discipline myself to take breaks and to stop every now and then. All good.

Friday: Day off as I worked last weekend.
First stop - pedicure. It was good to be pampered even though it does not fit too well with my feminist principles. However, feet, once again look kind of human.
Made my way into the city as I wanted to go to House of Fraser to stock up on some Clinique. To be honest, was not very impressed with the sales attendant but none the less purchased my stuff and left to go to Marks and Spencer to pick a Dine in for £10 meal for me and Andy. I got there, and once again, no vegetarian option. This makes me mad! I asked an assistant who kindly offered me the beef lasagne. I kid not. She then called over a colleague who offered me the chicken option. All I needed by then was to be offered wafer thin ham and we would have ourselves a new comedy sketch. By now, I was really losing the will to live (however it did get worse). The supervisor come over and said that the 'couple of vegetarian dishes they had were sold'. So I am being discriminated against - blah blah blah.
I get home only to find that the Clinique woman has told me the wrong cream for my skin type and the wrong mascara. I am not going into the whole, sorry story, but needless to say I was not happy and these goods are not cheap. It ended up with me going back up to House of Fraser and seriously making a complaint. Emails have also gone off to Marks and Spencer and Clinique. I was not a happy bunny. All I wanted and expect is a fair customer service. Sigh!
As always, with my love x
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