Monday: A really dull Monday morning ..... sigh. I had to venture out to meet someone and grabbed a coffee then back home and back to work. Managed to get some studying done later afternoon. Not sure I know what I am reading but I guess it will all come to light ...... eventually.

My last quiet Monday night (as my University classes this term are on a Monday). I started watching Jack Whitehall and his gab year with his Father. They were in Bangkok. Oh I love that city and I got quite homesick. They went on to see the Bridge on the River Kwai. It really brought back memories of my travels. Where is the time going?
Tuesday: Busy day today with work, flu jab, studying and pedicure resulted in me getting home at 7.20. I felt it was food then bed. However, a very productive day. I am really anxious about my studying and I know, in my heart, it will be OK but it all seems a bit terrfying at the moment. Oh well, no turning back now is there.
Wednesday: The mornings are so dark now and the weeks are flying off the calendar. September is almost over and we are at hump day yet again. I am home alone for a few days as Andy is organising a conference in Manchester. As for me, well I had to work this evening. So all in all, a pretty meh day. Especially when I had an awful journey home in the rain!
Thursday: The rain continued all night and there are damp leaves everywhere this morning. Busy day at work, running around London saving the world. I wonder who is here to save me!

Late afternoon I caught the bus up to University. I had to take a book back and wanted to get some more. I turned the corner and walked into a vibrant, . I got a bit upset to be honest. I never thought in a million years that I would ever be studying for my Masters at Birkbeck. I remember all those hours studying in Stoke. Yellow post its, marker pens, Hetty love her, asleep in her basket beside me. Like now, I got a bit upset. It just brought back so many mixed emotions.
I found the books I wanted and what a eclectic mix they are and found a desk and studied. I had to pinch myself that it was really happening. Well technically it is not happening yet, not until Monday but you know what I mean. I guess some dreams do come true. You just have to believe in them.
Friday: Busy day work wise, with me avoiding cake at every turn. It was coffee morning day and everyone was eating cake! But not me; strawberries and coffee I was fuelled by and how smug did I feel when it was bed time.
So a busy weekend coming up, well parts of it and all in all, not a bad week.
As always, with my love X
good luck with college. If I had the money I would like to just be a perpetual student, studying one thing after another and not having to worry about working. Hope you meet some friendly faces in your class too. Look forward to hearing about it.
Hello Sarah. Unfortunately, I do not have the money but thank goodness for Post Graduate Student Loans, which I will not live long enough to pay off! So it is win win. Take care xx