Sunday 22 October 2017

Wonder why it's getting cold at night I must be getting old Looks like I'm gonna have to wait a while What the hell, I'm bored (Waiting for a Train - Flash And The Pan)

So you all know I love a bit of ACDC but I bet you did not know that Malcolm and Angus Young eldest brother, George.  A completely different sound to his brothers work, but for me, I like it.  So as always, enjoy.

Monday:  No work! Yay a day off and such a treat.  However, London was very weird. I had a meeting with my tutor at 2.30pm and it went well.  I am still confused and know I put too much pressure on myself. However, it does look as if I have my dissertation topic sorted, which is great but does not really help me work out my essay question ..... sigh.  I can hear the clock ticking and can't even think of New Zealand yet.

I come out of her offices and it was like walking into the end of the world. The sky was brown. It was like a film.  Apparently, it is something to do with a storm and the fires in Portugal and sand from the Sahara.  I looked over to Senate House and it would have been a perfect screen set for an alien spacecraft to land on top of it.  All the students were coming out to take photos.  It really was quite weird and there were numerous pictures posted on social media about it all.

Lecture was brilliant.  I really enjoyed it and actually got speaking to some other students too, which was really good. I come out feeling quite positive (but knowing it won't last).  

Tuesday:  I was being tested today. Train delays, strange places and just a rotten day.  Work done and dusted it was time to read.  I still do not understand all that I am reading but keep telling myself that it will all come clear; unlike the sky which was dark as dishwater again. It really is quite weird.

Watched the George Michael documentary this evening. It was very good but very sad.  He was such a good man, generous and a many of integrity and I still cannot believe he is no longer hear. I did so well until the last song which is very personal to me and that was that, down come the tears.  Dear sweet George x

Wednesday:  It never ceases to amaze me how people think they can just speak to you however they want, when let's face it, all I am trying to do is help them.  5.00pm sharp, phone and laptop off and feet up and more reading (nope still not making sense) and totally checked out of work!

I have had to explain to Andy tonight about having pampas grass growing in your front garden (this is not a euphemism ;) ) For those of you who do not know, back in the 1970s people grew papas grass in the front garden if they were swingers as it gave a stealth like indication of what went on there!  So funny and I had totally forgotten this, probably, urban myth until I noticed pampas grass grown in our front garden this evening. I did chuckle.

Thursday:  Meh day work wise but finally getting my head around my essay (Praise the Lord I hear you cry).  I wander around South East London with books on homosexuality, feminism and queer theory.  Never a dull moment.  I was so tired tonight.  In fact I was falling asleep watching TV. Now this is not a bad thing as I never sleep much these days.  I went to my room at 9.00pm and was safe in the arms of Orpheus (who is not a date from Tinder) once again.

Friday: Out and about all day today - my two favourite places (NOT):  Lewisham and Peckham.  I had an 'incident' on the 136 bus.  It has been a long time coming. I got on the bus with three heavy bags and there was a woman sitting on the aisle seat.  I said to her 'excuse me please' and she gave me the most filthy look and just shuffled in her seat (she had no intention of moving). I looked at her and said 'really'.  She did not move and I subsequently knocked my bags into her trying to get to my seat.  She then started to push my feet over to my side of the floor. Sigh. Revenge was sweet.  I got out my new book:  Foucault and the History of Sexuality Part 1 - it's like the George Michael song I Want Your Sex Part 1. I also started 'hacking' as I know this always go down well.

When it was time to get off I leant across her, saying excuse me, and rang the bell.  I then said again 'excuse me please'.  She looked at me, again with a filthy look and said 'when the bus stops!'.  I looked, one of my 'you have chosen the wrong day to piss me off looks' and said to her, smiling sweetly 'you really are treat aren't you?'.  She looked and stood up (she could not believe it).  I walked by and said 'thank you' as I walked passed her and then I said 'and I hope your day improves for you as either that or your attitude needs to change' and got off the bus.  She was older than me and there really is no excuse to be bloody rude at all.

I went to the library to work for a bit then on to my final appointment of the day and then home! Yay!  So another week done and another week nearer to my trip, which I still have not done a thing about!  C'est la vie!

As always, enjoy x


  1. Ooo how do you get the energy? Trip to NZ, STUDY, WORK. I am worned out thinking about it all. 🤣

  2. Hello Ian. You have to keep going, it will all come together. You wait until you read this weekend's post then lol ;) Hope all is well x

  3. Pampas grass, really?? Never heard of it. My mother used to keep some in a vase next to the telephone.
    There were some awesome pictures of that red dust over London; looked totally weird. Used to get that in Spain a lot, although that's a lot nearer to the Sahara of course.
    Buses are full of arrogant people looking to have an argument. I've seen more than an occasional fight break out on the local buses in Peckham. It's not hard to understand; you have a lot of people very frustrated with the way their lives turned out, all riding the bus. Not us of course, I'm talking about the others. I always love the Thatcher quote that 'anyone over the age of 25 still using the bus should consider themselves a failure'.

  4. Hello Sarah I lie not. Google it and see for yourself. Perhaps your Mum was a closet swinger on the phone lol. The sky was really weird and everyone was just looking up to the sky. Yes there are so many angry people in London and apart from anything else, manners do not cost a thing. Fortunately, the next day I was on the bus again and met a lovely women who was chatting away. So I felt that the balance had been restored. I have not heard that Thatcher quote before but I am not surprised. Needless to say who in their right mind would want to drive a car in Central London but I guess it was OK for her be chauffeured around. How the other half live ehh? Much love xx
